“The podcast that encourages women and others to embrace their inner multicultural melody. ”
Notes From Her is a podcast encompassing unique conversations on music, social issues, news, faith, culture and women empowerment through the MOC’s perspective. MOC’s stands for “Musicians of Color,” a term originally coined by Xochitl. Xochitl sits down to interview women of color singers, instrumentalists, composers, conductors, performers, and leaders in the industry both classical and non-classical. The purpose is to provide a platform for these women to amplify their stories, which are otherwise marginalized narratives, speak on social issues like gender and ethnic disparity in the music industry, as well as give tips and advice for listeners resonating with this career field. Tune in every Monday to hear powerful stories and advice from Notes From Her’s great MOCs.
This is an independent podcast originally created, produced, recorded, edited and hosted all by Xochitl Hernandez. The podcast came to fruition as Xochitl’s 2019-2020 project as a California State University Presidential Scholar. Being a Presidential Scholar is one of the highest awards, scholarships and honors a CSUN undergraduate student can receive due to a high GPA and project proposal that must be completed throughout the year one is named a Presidential Scholar.